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Webhook Event Reference

Below you will find a reference of all webhook events fired from Fleetio. You may subscribe to any of these events from your webhook configuration.

Import Events


Because imports could generate a large number of events, we will not send a created or updated event for each affected record.

  • Instead, we will send a single import_completed event to your webhook when the import finishes.
  • Inside the payload, you will find the import types, and three arrays: affected_record_ids, created_record_ids, and updated_record_ids.
  • There is one exception: The Add Multiple Users/Vehicles feature will generate multiple creation events.

We have an Imports API that lets you retrieve a list of the created or updated records for an import.

import_completedFired when an import is completed, whether successfully or not. You can check the state attribute to determine if the import was successful or not. A state of complete indicates success. A state of failed indicates something failed. You can then go through the error_messages array to see exactly what failed. On success, the created_record_ids and updated_record_ids arrays will contain the IDs of the records that were either created or updated."

Example payload for all import events:

"id": 12298850,
"event": "import_completed",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:42:15.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 1203509,
"created_record_ids": [
"updated_record_ids": [],
"affected_record_ids": [
"completed_at": "2022-01-14T10:42:15.104-07:00",
"state": "complete",
"created_at": "2022-01-14T10:41:27.817-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:42:15.108-07:00",
"error_messages": [],
"type": "EquipmentImport"
"triggered_by": ""

Contact Events

contact_createdFired when a Contact is created.
contact_updatedFired when a Contact is updated.
contact_deletedFired when a Contact is deleted. The payload will contain the attributes of the Contact before deletion.
contact_archivedFired when a Contact is archived.
contact_mergedFired when a Contact is merged into this one. The payload will contain the destination Contact.
contact_assignedFired when a Contact is assigned to a Vehicle.
contact_comment_addedFired when a comment is made on a Contact.

Example payload for all Contact events:

"id": 12283768,
"event": "contact_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:49:21.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 809784,
"name": "Carlos Garcia",
"first_name": "Carlos",
"middle_name": null,
"group_id": 628009,
"group_name": "Sales",
"last_name": "Garcia",
"images_count": 1,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"email": "",
"birth_date": "1983-02-19",
"city": null,
"country": null,
"employee": true,
"employee_number": "#D072",
"home_phone_number": null,
"job_title": "Driver",
"leave_date": null,
"license_class": "C",
"license_number": "73386761",
"license_state": "Alabama",
"mobile_phone_number": "205-555-0001",
"other_phone_number": null,
"postal_code": null,
"region": null,
"start_date": "2020-08-27",
"street_address": null,
"street_address_line_2": null,
"technician": false,
"vehicle_operator": true,
"work_phone_number": null,
"hourly_labor_rate": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"default_image_url": null,
"user": null,
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:32.673-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:49:21.100-07:00"
"triggered_by": ""

DTC Alert Events

dtc_alert_createdFired when a DTC Alert is created.
dtc_alert_resolvedFired when a DTC Alert is resolved.

Example payload for all DTC Alert events:

"id": 1,
"event": "dtc_alert_resolved",
"timestamp": "2017-11-08T13:35:17.755-06:00",
"payload": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Low Tire Pressure",
"description": "Aliquam commodo dolor nec diam bibendum porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam commodo cursus sollicitudin. Vestibulum ac luctus enim. Sed tristique viverra pharetra. Curabitur pretium, nisi vel fermentum aliquet, mi odio laoreet metus, sodales scelerisque leo nisi in justo. Mauris quis risus nec turpis rhoncus porta. Vestibulum lobortis elit nibh, in accumsan augue maximus vitae. Curabitur gravida dolor vitae urna iaculis, at efficitur massa tempor.",
"code": "P0447",
"count": 5,
"account_id": 1,
"vehicle_id": 1,
"external_id": null,
"last_occurred_at": "2015-09-09T21:43:38.726-05:00",
"status": "resolved",
"archived_at": null,
"created_at": "2015-09-30T14:48:08.199-05:00",
"updated_at": "2017-11-08T13:28:08.094-06:00"

Equipment Events

equipment_createdFired when Equipment is created.
equipment_updatedFired when an attribute on Equipment is updated.
equipment_deletedFired when Equipment is deleted. The payload will contain the attributes of the Equipment before it was deleted.
equipment_comment_addedFired when a comment is made on Equipment

Example payload for all Equipment events:

"id": 12283954,
"event": "equipment_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T12:02:31.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 49321,
"name": "Leaf blower 123",
"brand": "",
"model": "Z200T",
"serial_number": "",
"equipment_type_id": 733486,
"type_name": "Leaf Blower",
"equipment_status_id": 209118,
"status_name": "In-Service",
"group_id": null,
"group_name": null,
"purchase_vendor_id": null,
"purchase_price_cents": null,
"purchase_date": null,
"warranty_expiration_date": null,
"purchase_comments": "",
"in_service_date": null,
"estimated_service_life": null,
"out_of_service_date": null,
"comments_count": 0,
"created_at": "2021-10-11T11:14:23.295-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T12:03:25.260-07:00",
"archived_at": null,
"documents_count": 0,
"images_count": 0,
"estimated_resale_price": null,
"status_color": "green",
"default_image_url": null,
"watchers_count": 1,
"is_watched": true,
"linked_vehicle": {},
"assigned_contact": {
"id": 810686,
"name": "Newo Contacto",
"first_name": "Newo",
"middle_name": null,
"group_id": 628272,
"group_name": "Colorado",
"last_name": "Contacto",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"email": "",
"birth_date": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"employee": false,
"employee_number": null,
"home_phone_number": null,
"job_title": null,
"leave_date": null,
"license_class": null,
"license_number": null,
"license_state": null,
"mobile_phone_number": null,
"other_phone_number": null,
"postal_code": null,
"region": null,
"start_date": null,
"street_address": null,
"street_address_line_2": null,
"technician": true,
"vehicle_operator": true,
"work_phone_number": null,
"hourly_labor_rate": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"attachment_permissions": {},
"default_image_url": null,
"user": null,
"created_at": "2021-09-29T17:07:24.384-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T17:07:24.384-06:00"
"attachment_permissions": {},
"custom_fields": {
"warranty": "false",
"storage_location": ""
"assetable_type": "Equipment",
"issues_count": 0,
"current_location_entry": {}
"triggered_by": ""

Expense Entry Events


Expense Entries are automatically generated when an Acquisition (a loan or a lease) is created. This includes all current expenses and future expenses. Fleetio will fire creation events for all future Expense Entries, so your endpoint should check the occurred_at field to determine if this is a future expense or not.

expense_entry_createdFired when an Expense Entry is created.
expense_entry_updatedFired when an Expense Entry is updated.
expense_entry_deletedFired when an Expense Entry is deleted. The payload will contain the Expense Entry's attributes before deletion.
expense_entry_comment_addedFired when a comment is made on an Expense Entry.

Example payload for all Expense Entry events:

"id": 12298608,
"event": "expense_entry_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:30:20.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:12:03.049-06:00",
"expense_entry_type_id": 992543,
"expense_entry_type_name": "Vehicle Registration and Taxes",
"id": 3437713,
"notes": "Title fee and first-time registration",
"occurred_at": "2021-03-20T13:12:02.000-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:30:55.230-07:00",
"vehicle_id": 1573891,
"vehicle_name": "1100 [2018 Toyota Prius]",
"vendor_id": null,
"vendor_name": null,
"total_amount": 196.27,
"custom_fields": {}
"triggered_by": ""

Fuel Entry Events

fuel_entry_createdFired when a Fuel Entry is created.
fuel_entry_updatedFired when a Fuel Entry is updated.
fuel_entry_deletedFired when a Fuel Entry is deleted. The payload will contain the Fuel Entry's attributes before it was deleted
fuel_entry_comment_addedFired when a comment is made on a Fuel Entry.

Example payload for all Fuel Entry events:

"id": 12283344,
"event": "fuel_entry_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:00:02.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 27996649,
"cost_per_hr": null,
"cost_per_km": 0.237,
"cost_per_mi": 0.382,
"date": "2022-01-13T10:58:00.000-07:00",
"external_id": null,
"fuel_type_id": 246474,
"fuel_type_name": "Gasoline",
"kpl": 3.8871,
"liters": "39.747",
"liters_per_hr": null,
"lp100k": 25.7262,
"mpg_uk": 10.9802,
"mpg_us": 9.1429,
"partial": false,
"personal": false,
"price_per_volume_unit": 3.49,
"raw_transaction_data": null,
"reference": "",
"region": null,
"reset": false,
"uk_gallons": "8.743",
"uk_gallons_per_hr": null,
"us_gallons": "10.5",
"us_gallons_per_hr": null,
"usage_in_hr": null,
"usage_in_km": "154.5",
"usage_in_mi": "96.0",
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_name": "3100 [2014 Chevrolet Express Cargo]",
"vendor_id": 1783807,
"vendor_name": "Chevron",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"is_sample": false,
"custom_fields": {},
"total_amount": 36.65,
"meter_entry": {
"id": 180133827,
"auto_voided_at": null,
"category": null,
"date": "2022-01-13",
"meter_type": null,
"meterable_id": 27996649,
"meterable_type": "FuelEntry",
"value": "136750.0",
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"void": false,
"type": null,
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:00:02.696-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:00:02.696-07:00"
"geolocation": {},
"comments": [],
"map_previews": {
"small": null,
"large": null,
"small_short": null,
"large_short": null
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:00:02.652-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:00:02.652-07:00"
"triggered_by": ""

Inspection Submission Events

submitted_inspection_form_createdFired when an Inspection is submitted.
submitted_inspection_form_deletedFired when an Inspection is deleted.

Example payload for all Submitted Inspection Form events:

"id": 12298681,
"event": "submitted_inspection_form_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:34:25.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 18491942,
"started_at": "2022-01-14T10:34:21.165-07:00",
"submitted_at": "2022-01-14T10:34:25.514-07:00",
"failed_items": 0,
"vehicle_id": 1577058,
"starting_latitude": null,
"starting_longitude": null,
"submitted_latitude": null,
"submitted_longitude": null,
"duration": "less than a minute",
"inspection_form": {
"id": 54497,
"title": "Simple DVIR",
"description": "Simple version of the driver vehicle inspection form"
"date": "January 14, 2022",
"contact_id": 809782,
"user": "Harry Levine",
"comments_count": 0,
"images_count": 0,
"submitted_inspection_items": [
"id": 474716584,
"comments_count": 0,
"images_count": 0,
"submitted_inspection_form_id": 18491942,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"result": {
"label": "Pass"
"inspection_item": {
"label": "Got dents?",
"type": "InspectionPassFailItem",
"fail_label": "Fail",
"pass_label": "Pass",
"na_label": "N/A",
"dropdown_options": [],
"numeric_range_max": null,
"numeric_range_min": null
"comments": [],
"images": []
"id": 474716585,
"comments_count": 0,
"images_count": 0,
"submitted_inspection_form_id": 18491942,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"result": {
"label": "Full"
"inspection_item": {
"label": "How full tank is",
"type": "InspectionDropdownItem",
"fail_label": null,
"pass_label": null,
"na_label": "N/A",
"dropdown_options": [
"label": "Full",
"position": 1,
"fail_if_chosen": false
"label": "3/4 full",
"position": 2,
"fail_if_chosen": false
"label": "1/2 full",
"position": 3,
"fail_if_chosen": false
"label": "1/4 left",
"position": 4,
"fail_if_chosen": false
"label": "empty",
"position": 5,
"fail_if_chosen": false
"numeric_range_max": null,
"numeric_range_min": null
"comments": [],
"images": []
"triggered_by": ""

Issue Events

issue_createdFired when an Issue is created.
issue_updatedFired when an Issue is updated.
issue_deletedFired when an Issue is deleted. The payload will contain the Issue's attributes before deletion.
issue_resolvedFired when an Issue is resolved.
issue_closedFired when an Issue is closed.
issue_comment_addedFired when a comment is made on an Issue.

Example payload for all Issue events:

"id": 12283581,
"event": "issue_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:23:58.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 2986811,
"number": "#17",
"name": "[Inspection] Transmission",
"summary": "[Inspection] Transmission",
"description": "Generated by the failed inspection item \"Transmission\" on the \"DVIR\" form",
"state": "Open",
"reported_at": "2022-01-13T11:21:40.798-07:00",
"reported_by_id": 809782,
"reported_by_name": "Harry Levine",
"fault_id": null,
"due_date": null,
"due_meter_value": null,
"due_secondary_meter_value": null,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_name": "3100 [2014 Chevrolet Express Cargo]",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"is_sample": false,
"created_by_workflow": false,
"submitted_inspection_form_id": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"dtc_alert_id": null,
"meter_entry": {
"id": 180136762,
"auto_voided_at": null,
"category": null,
"date": "2022-01-13",
"meter_type": null,
"meterable_id": 2986811,
"meterable_type": "Issue",
"value": "136777.0",
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"void": false,
"type": null,
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:23:58.946-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:23:58.946-07:00"
"assigned_contacts": [
"id": 810685,
"name": "Franco Robertson",
"first_name": "Franco",
"middle_name": null,
"group_id": 628272,
"group_name": "Colorado",
"last_name": "Robertson",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"email": "",
"birth_date": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"employee": true,
"employee_number": null,
"home_phone_number": null,
"job_title": null,
"leave_date": null,
"license_class": null,
"license_number": null,
"license_state": null,
"mobile_phone_number": null,
"other_phone_number": null,
"postal_code": null,
"region": null,
"start_date": null,
"street_address": null,
"street_address_line_2": null,
"technician": false,
"vehicle_operator": false,
"work_phone_number": null,
"hourly_labor_rate": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"default_image_url": null,
"user": {
"id": 347769,
"email": "",
"username": null,
"time_zone": "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"
"created_at": "2021-09-29T17:05:10.427-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T17:05:10.427-06:00"
"reported_by": {
"id": 809782,
"name": "Harry Levine",
"first_name": "Harry",
"middle_name": null,
"group_id": null,
"group_name": null,
"last_name": "Levine",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"email": "",
"birth_date": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"employee": false,
"employee_number": null,
"home_phone_number": null,
"job_title": null,
"leave_date": null,
"license_class": null,
"license_number": null,
"license_state": null,
"mobile_phone_number": null,
"other_phone_number": null,
"postal_code": null,
"region": null,
"start_date": null,
"street_address": null,
"street_address_line_2": null,
"technician": false,
"vehicle_operator": null,
"work_phone_number": "+17209719997",
"hourly_labor_rate": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"default_image_url": null,
"user": {
"id": 347375,
"email": "",
"username": null,
"time_zone": "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:29.574-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:29.574-06:00"
"labels": [
"id": 87590,
"name": "Needs Repair"
"comments": [],
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:23:58.907-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:23:58.907-07:00",
"overdue": false,
"is_watched": true,
"vehicle_image_url": null,
"vehicle_image_url_medium": null,
"vehicle_image_url_small": null,
"vehicle_image_url_large": null,
"watchers_count": 1,
"linked_work_orders": null,
"source": {
"inspection_form": {
"id": null,
"color": null,
"title": null
"inspection_submissions_count": 0,
"last_inspection_submission_at": null,
"failed_inspection_item_label": null
"triggered_by": ""

Location Entry Events

location_entry_createdFired when a Location Entry is created.
location_entry_updatedFired when a Location Entry is updated.
location_entry_deleteFired when a Location Entry is deleted. The payload will contain the Location Entry's attributes before deletion.

Example payload for all Location Entry events:

"id": 12298959,
"event": "location_entry_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:52:25.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 264910636,
"locatable_type": "FuelEntry",
"locatable_id": 28080701,
"date": "2022-01-14T10:51:00.000-07:00",
"created_at": "2022-01-14T10:52:24.953-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:52:24.953-07:00",
"contact_id": null,
"address": null,
"is_current": false,
"item_type": "Vehicle",
"item_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"location": "POINT (-84.468697 33.739286)",
"address_components": {},
"geolocation": {
"latitude": 33.739286,
"longitude": -84.468697
"triggered_by": ""

Meter Entry Events

Meter Entry events are only fired on manual Meter Entries (e.g. ones that are not associated with another resource, such as a Fuel Entry or Service Entry).

meter_entry_createdFired when a manual meter entry is created.
meter_entry_updatedFired when a manual meter entry is updated.
meter_entry_deletedFired when a manual meter entry is deleted. The payload will contain the meter entry's attributes before deletion.

Example payload for all Meter Entry events:

"id": 12283417,
"event": "meter_entry_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:09:07.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 180134912,
"auto_voided_at": null,
"category": null,
"meter_type": null,
"meterable_id": null,
"meterable_type": null,
"value": "136775.0",
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"void": false,
"type": null,
"gps_provider": null,
"date": "2022-01-13",
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:09:07.373-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:09:07.373-07:00"
"triggered_by": ""

Part Events

part_createdFired when a Part is created.
part_updatedFired when a Part is updated.
part_deletedFired when a Part is deleted. The payload will contain the Part's attributes before deletion.
part_comment_addedFired when a Comment is made on a Part.

Example payload for all Part events:

"id": 12283608,
"event": "part_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 1943860,
"description": "Filter for xyz",
"manufacturer_part_number": null,
"measurement_unit_id": null,
"number": "ABC-123",
"part_category_id": 558978,
"part_manufacturer_id": null,
"upc": null,
"total_quantity": 10,
"comments_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"images_count": 0,
"custom_fields": {},
"inventory_item": true,
"part_category_name": "Filters",
"part_manufacturer_name": null,
"measurement_unit_name": null,
"default_image_url": null,
"default_image_url_medium": null,
"default_image_url_small": null,
"default_image_url_large": null,
"unit_cost": null,
"part_locations": [
"id": 19246881,
"part_location_name": "Chicago warehouse",
"part_location_id": 9733,
"available_quantity": 10,
"aisle": "3",
"row": "12",
"bin": "15",
"reorder_point": 2,
"reorder_point_lead_time_days": null,
"reorder_quantity": null,
"reorder_quantity_lead_time_days": null,
"reorder_point_enabled": true,
"available_quantity_updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.553-07:00",
"active": true,
"track_inventory": true,
"name": "Chicago warehouse",
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.495-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.557-07:00"
"id": 19246882,
"part_location_name": "Warehouse",
"part_location_id": 9732,
"available_quantity": null,
"aisle": null,
"row": null,
"bin": null,
"reorder_point": null,
"reorder_point_lead_time_days": null,
"reorder_quantity": null,
"reorder_quantity_lead_time_days": null,
"reorder_point_enabled": false,
"available_quantity_updated_at": null,
"active": false,
"track_inventory": false,
"name": "Warehouse",
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.570-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.570-07:00"
"archived_at": null,
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.477-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:29:33.573-07:00",
"comments": [],
"documents": [],
"images": [],
"attachment_permissions": {}
"triggered_by": ""

Place Events

place_createdFired when a Place is created.
place_updatedFired when a Place is updated.
place_deletedFired when a Place is deleted. The payload will contain the Place's attributes before deletion.
place_visitedFired when a Place is visited.

Example payload for all Place events:

"id": 12298167,
"event": "place_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:10:57.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 13736,
"name": "Jiffy Lube",
"address": "9535 Park Meadows Dr, Lone Tree, CO 80124, USA",
"description": "Oil changes, etc.",
"place_visits_count": 0,
"radius_in_meters": 100,
"created_at": "2021-10-04T11:18:36.245-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:11:25.105-07:00",
"latitude": 39.55472109999999,
"longitude": -104.87889
"triggered_by": ""

Purchase Order Events

Event NameDescription
purchase_order_createdFired when a Purchase Order is created.
purchase_order_updatedFired when a Purchase Order is updated. This event is not fired when the Purchase Order state changes.
purchase_order_pending_approvalFired when a Purchase Order enters the pending approval state.
purchase_order_approvedFired when a Purchase Order is approved.
purchase_order_purchasedFired when a Purchase Order is marked as purchased.
purchase_order_receivedFired when a Purchase Order is fully received.
purchase_order_closedFired when a Purchase Order is closed.
purchase_order_deletedFired when a Purchase Order is deleted. The payload will contain the Purchase Order's attributes before deletion.
purchase_order_comment_addedFired when a Comment is made on a Purchase Order.

Example payload for all Purchase Order events:

"id": 12298296,
"event": "purchase_order_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:14:37.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 335744,
"number": 1,
"description": null,
"label_list": [],
"submitted_for_approval_at": null,
"rejected_at": null,
"approved_at": null,
"purchased_at": null,
"received_partial_at": null,
"received_full_at": null,
"closed_at": null,
"state": "draft",
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"created_at": "2022-01-14T10:14:37.285-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:14:37.293-07:00",
"custom_fields": {},
"discount_percentage": 0,
"discount_type": "percentage",
"tax_1_percentage": null,
"tax_1_type": "percentage",
"tax_2_percentage": null,
"tax_2_type": "percentage",
"discount": 0,
"subtotal": 54.95,
"shipping": 0,
"tax_1": 0,
"tax_2": 0,
"total_amount": 54.95,
"part_location_id": 9733,
"vendor_id": 1783804,
"part_location_name": "Chicago warehouse",
"vendor_name": "Discount Tire",
"created_by": "Harry Levine",
"purchase_order_line_items": [
"id": 717129,
"part_id": 1943860,
"quantity": "5.0",
"total_quantity_received": "0.0",
"part_number": "ABC-123",
"unit_cost": 10.99,
"subtotal": 54.95,
"created_at": "2022-01-14T10:14:37.291-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:14:37.291-07:00"
"triggered_by": ""

Service Entry Events

service_entry_createdFired when a Service Entry is created.
service_entry_updatedFired when a Service Entry is updated.
service_entry_deletedFired when a Service Entry is deleted. The payload will contain the attributes of the Service Entry before it was deleted.
service_entry_comment_addedFired when a Comment is made on a Service Entry.

Example payload for all Service Entry events:

"id": 12283517,
"event": "service_entry_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:17:38.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 11209574,
"reference": "",
"vendor_id": 1783801,
"vendor_name": "Firestone Complete Auto Care",
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_name": "3100 [2014 Chevrolet Express Cargo]",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"work_order_id": null,
"general_notes": "",
"is_sample": false,
"status": "completed",
"auto_integrate_repair_order_status": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"work_order_number": null,
"started_at": null,
"completed_at": "2022-01-13T11:14:00.000-07:00",
"date": "2022-01-13T11:14:00.000-07:00",
"discount_type": "percentage",
"discount_percentage": 0,
"tax_1_type": "percentage",
"tax_1_percentage": 0,
"tax_2_type": "percentage",
"tax_2_percentage": 0,
"labor_subtotal": 50,
"parts_subtotal": 155.99,
"discount": 0,
"tax_1": 0,
"tax_2": 0,
"total_amount": 205.99,
"service_entry_line_items": [
"id": 21210047,
"description": "",
"service_reminder_id": null,
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:38.020-07:00",
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:38.020-07:00",
"labor_cost": 50,
"parts_cost": 155.99,
"subtotal": 205.99,
"service_task": {
"id": 17707469,
"name": "Windshield Replacement",
"description": null,
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:31.162-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:31.162-06:00",
"subtasks": []
"issues": [
"id": 2700615,
"number": "#7",
"name": "[Inspection] Rock hit windshield. 6\" crack on passenger side",
"summary": "[Inspection] Rock hit windshield. 6\" crack on passenger side",
"description": "Generated by the failed inspection item \"Windshield and Wipers/Washers\" on the \"Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (Simple)\" form submitted by Harry Levine on Sep 24, 2021 at 11:07 AM MDT",
"state": "Resolved",
"reported_at": "2021-09-24T11:07:37.000-06:00",
"reported_by_id": 809782,
"reported_by_name": "Harry Levine",
"fault_id": null,
"due_date": null,
"due_meter_value": null,
"due_secondary_meter_value": null,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_name": "3100 [2014 Chevrolet Express Cargo]",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"is_sample": false,
"created_by_workflow": true,
"submitted_inspection_form_id": 16131760,
"custom_fields": {},
"dtc_alert_id": null,
"assigned_contacts": [],
"reported_by": {
"id": 809782,
"name": "Harry Levine",
"first_name": "Harry",
"middle_name": null,
"group_id": null,
"group_name": null,
"last_name": "Levine",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"email": "",
"birth_date": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"employee": false,
"employee_number": null,
"home_phone_number": null,
"job_title": null,
"leave_date": null,
"license_class": null,
"license_number": null,
"license_state": null,
"mobile_phone_number": null,
"other_phone_number": null,
"postal_code": null,
"region": null,
"start_date": null,
"street_address": null,
"street_address_line_2": null,
"technician": false,
"vehicle_operator": null,
"work_phone_number": "+17209719997",
"hourly_labor_rate": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"attachment_permissions": {},
"default_image_url": null,
"user": {
"id": 347375,
"email": "",
"username": null,
"time_zone": "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:29.574-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:29.574-06:00"
"labels": [],
"comments": [],
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:12:47.765-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:38.099-07:00",
"overdue": false,
"attachment_permissions": {},
"documents": [],
"images": [],
"resolvable_id": 11209574,
"resolvable_type": "ServiceEntry",
"resolved_at": "2022-01-13T11:14:00.000-07:00",
"is_watched": true,
"vehicle_image_url": null,
"vehicle_image_url_medium": null,
"vehicle_image_url_small": null,
"vehicle_image_url_large": null,
"watchers_count": 1,
"linked_work_orders": null,
"source": {
"inspection_form": {
"id": 16131760,
"color": null,
"title": "Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (Simple)"
"inspection_submissions_count": 1,
"last_inspection_submission_at": "2021-09-24T11:04:37.000-06:00",
"failed_inspection_item_label": "Windshield and Wipers/Washers"
"service_tasks": [
"id": 17707469,
"name": "Windshield Replacement",
"description": null,
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:31.162-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:31.162-06:00",
"subtasks": []
"issues": [
"id": 2700615,
"number": "#7",
"name": "[Inspection] Rock hit windshield. 6\" crack on passenger side",
"summary": "[Inspection] Rock hit windshield. 6\" crack on passenger side",
"description": "Generated by the failed inspection item \"Windshield and Wipers/Washers\" on the \"Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (Simple)\" form submitted by Harry Levine on Sep 24, 2021 at 11:07 AM MDT",
"state": "Resolved",
"reported_at": "2021-09-24T11:07:37.000-06:00",
"reported_by_id": 809782,
"reported_by_name": "Harry Levine",
"fault_id": null,
"due_date": null,
"due_meter_value": null,
"due_secondary_meter_value": null,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_name": "3100 [2014 Chevrolet Express Cargo]",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"is_sample": false,
"created_by_workflow": true,
"submitted_inspection_form_id": 16131760,
"custom_fields": {},
"dtc_alert_id": null,
"assigned_contacts": [],
"reported_by": {
"id": 809782,
"name": "Harry Levine",
"first_name": "Harry",
"middle_name": null,
"group_id": null,
"group_name": null,
"last_name": "Levine",
"images_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"comments_count": 0,
"email": "",
"birth_date": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"employee": false,
"employee_number": null,
"home_phone_number": null,
"job_title": null,
"leave_date": null,
"license_class": null,
"license_number": null,
"license_state": null,
"mobile_phone_number": null,
"other_phone_number": null,
"postal_code": null,
"region": null,
"start_date": null,
"street_address": null,
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"technician": false,
"vehicle_operator": null,
"work_phone_number": "+17209719997",
"hourly_labor_rate": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"attachment_permissions": {},
"default_image_url": null,
"user": {
"id": 347375,
"email": "",
"username": null,
"time_zone": "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:29.574-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:29.574-06:00"
"labels": [],
"comments": [],
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:12:47.765-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:38.099-07:00",
"overdue": false,
"attachment_permissions": {},
"documents": [],
"images": [],
"resolvable_id": 11209574,
"resolvable_type": "ServiceEntry",
"resolved_at": "2022-01-13T11:14:00.000-07:00",
"is_watched": true,
"vehicle_image_url": null,
"vehicle_image_url_medium": null,
"vehicle_image_url_small": null,
"vehicle_image_url_large": null,
"watchers_count": 1,
"linked_work_orders": null,
"source": {
"inspection_form": {
"id": 16131760,
"color": null,
"title": "Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (Simple)"
"inspection_submissions_count": 1,
"last_inspection_submission_at": "2021-09-24T11:04:37.000-06:00",
"failed_inspection_item_label": "Windshield and Wipers/Washers"
"meter_entry": {
"id": 180136057,
"auto_voided_at": null,
"category": null,
"date": "2022-01-13",
"meter_type": null,
"meterable_id": 11209574,
"meterable_type": "ServiceEntry",
"value": "136776.0",
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"void": false,
"type": null,
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:37.990-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:37.990-07:00"
"images": [],
"vmrs_repair_priority_class": {
"id": 2,
"code": "2",
"name": "Non-Scheduled",
"color": "#F2AA2A"
"created_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:37.967-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:17:38.114-07:00",
"comments": [],
"labels": [
"id": 87590,
"name": "Needs Repair"
"auto_integrate_ro_id": null,
"auto_integrate_ro_link": null,
"auto_integrate_repair_order_status_color": "muted"
"triggered_by": ""

User Events

user_createdFired when a User is created.
user_updatedFired when a User is updated.
user_archivedFired when a User is archived.

Example payload for all User events:

"id": 199851,
"event": "user_updated",
"timestamp": "2023-09-20T10:53:16.000-05:00",
"payload": {
"id": 2336852,
"username": null,
"email": "",
"time_zone_name": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"time_zone_offset_in_seconds": -21600,
"created_at": "2023-09-20T10:53:13.332-05:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-20T10:53:16.921-05:00",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "User",
"default_image_url": null,
"fuel_economy_units": "mpg_us",
"contact_id": 8238084,
"technician": true
"triggered_by": ""

Vehicle Assignment Events

vehicle_assignment_createdFired when a Vehicle Assignment is created.
vehicle_assignment_updatedFired when a Vehicle Assignment is updated.
vehicle_assignment_deletedFired when a Vehicle Assignment is deleted.

Example payload for Vehicle Assignment events:

"id": 12298546,
"event": "vehicle_assignment_created",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:28:48.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 2012798,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"contact_id": 809783,
"started_at": "2022-01-14T10:28:28.000-07:00",
"ended_at": null,
"starting_meter_entry_value": "136778.0",
"ending_meter_entry_value": null,
"created_at": "2022-01-14T10:28:48.038-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-14T10:28:48.038-07:00",
"comments_count": 0,
"current": true,
"future": false,
"contact_full_name": "Jacob Silva",
"contact_image_url": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"comments": []
"triggered_by": ""

Vendor Events

vendor_createdFired when a Vendor is created.
vendor_updatedFired when a Vendor is updated.
vendor_deletedFired when a Vendor is deleted. The payload will contain the Vendor's attributes before deletion.
vendor_comment_addedFired when a Comment is made on a Vendor.

Example payload for all Vendor events:

"id": 12283821,
"event": "vendor_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T11:53:15.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 1783800,
"city": "Chicago",
"contact_email": null,
"contact_name": "Dan Leibel",
"contact_phone": "(333) 555-1234",
"country": "US",
"external_id": null,
"latitude": 42.0047405,
"longitude": -87.6904117,
"name": "Jiffy Lube",
"phone": "773-274-2900",
"postal_code": "60645",
"region": "IL",
"street_address": "6750 N Western Ave",
"street_address_line_2": null,
"website": "",
"fuel": false,
"service": true,
"parts": true,
"archived_at": null,
"custom_fields": {},
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:35.530-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T11:54:08.320-07:00",
"labels": []
"triggered_by": ""

Vehicle Events

vehicle_createdFired when a Vehicle is created.
vehicle_updatedFired when an attribute on a Vehicle is updated.
vehicle_status_changedFired when a Vehicle's status changes.
vehicle_group_changedFired when a Vehicle's group changes.
vehicle_archivedFired when a Vehicle is archived.
vehicle_deletedFired when a Vehicle is deleted. The payload will contain the attributes of the Vehicle before it was deleted.
vehicle_assignedFired when a Vehicle Assignment is created for a Vehicle.
vehicle_comment_addedFired when a Comment is made on a Vehicle.

Example payload for all Vehicle events:

"id": 12282806,
"event": "vehicle_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-13T10:24:42.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 1573893,
"account_id": 54196,
"archived_at": null,
"fuel_type_id": null,
"fuel_type_name": null,
"fuel_volume_units": "us_gallons",
"group_id": 628009,
"group_name": "Sales",
"meter_unit": "mi",
"name": "3100 [2014 Chevrolet Express Cargo]",
"ownership": "Owned",
"secondary_meter": false,
"secondary_meter_unit": null,
"system_of_measurement": "imperial",
"vehicle_status_id": 289265,
"vehicle_status_name": "In Shop",
"vehicle_status_color": "orange",
"vehicle_type_id": 846962,
"vehicle_type_name": "Van",
"fuel_entries_count": 7,
"service_entries_count": 5,
"service_reminders_count": 2,
"vehicle_renewal_reminders_count": 1,
"comments_count": 0,
"documents_count": 0,
"images_count": 1,
"current_location_entry_id": 224434224,
"is_sample": false,
"in_service_date": "2017-04-30",
"in_service_meter": 48000,
"estimated_service_months": 60,
"estimated_replacement_mileage": 100000,
"estimated_resale_price": {
"cents": 0,
"currency_iso": "USD"
"out_of_service_date": null,
"out_of_service_meter": null,
"meter_name": "Odometer",
"secondary_meter_name": "Secondary Meter",
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:10:40.277-06:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T10:24:42.352-07:00",
"current_meter_value": 136699,
"current_meter_date": "2021-10-11",
"secondary_meter_value": 0,
"secondary_meter_date": null,
"group_ancestry": "USA / Southeast Region / Birmingham / Sales",
"color": "White",
"license_plate": null,
"make": "Chevrolet",
"model": "Express Cargo",
"registration_expiration_month": 0,
"registration_state": null,
"trim": "3500",
"vin": "1GCZGTCG7E11519I7",
"year": 2014,
"loan_account_number": null,
"loan_ended_at": null,
"loan_interest_rate": null,
"loan_notes": null,
"loan_started_at": null,
"loan_vendor_id": null,
"loan_vendor_name": null,
"custom_fields": {
"rear_camera_enabled": "false",
"drive_power_source": "",
"cargo_area_description": ""
"issues_count": 1,
"work_orders_count": 0,
"type_name": "Van",
"default_image_url": null,
"default_image_url_medium": null,
"default_image_url_small": null,
"default_image_url_large": null,
"driver": {
"id": 809784,
"first_name": "Carlos",
"last_name": "Garcia",
"full_name": "Carlos Garcia",
"default_image_url": null
"specs": {
"id": 2315509,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"account_id": 54196,
"body_type": "Full-Size",
"body_subtype": "Cargo",
"drive_type": "RWD",
"brake_system": "Hydraulic",
"msrp_cents": 2771000,
"fuel_tank_capacity": 31,
"fuel_tank_2_capacity": null,
"front_track_width": 68.1,
"ground_clearance": 7.7,
"height": 84.5,
"length": 224.1,
"rear_track_width": 67.7,
"width": 79.2,
"wheelbase": 135,
"front_tire_psi": null,
"rear_tire_psi": null,
"base_towing_capacity": 7400,
"curb_weight": 5433,
"gross_vehicle_weight_rating": 9600,
"bed_length": null,
"max_payload": 4145,
"rear_axle_type": "",
"front_tire_type": "LT245/75R16",
"front_wheel_diameter": "16.0 x 6.5",
"rear_tire_type": "LT245/75R16",
"rear_wheel_diameter": "16.0 x 6.5",
"epa_city": 14,
"epa_highway": 19,
"epa_combined": 16,
"engine_description": "Vortec 6.0L Flex Fuel V8 342hp 373ft. lbs.",
"engine_brand": "Vortec",
"engine_aspiration": "Naturally Aspirated",
"engine_block_type": "V",
"engine_bore": 4,
"engine_cam_type": "OHV",
"engine_compression": 9.4,
"engine_cylinders": 8,
"engine_displacement": 6,
"fuel_induction": "Sequential Port Fuel Injection",
"fuel_quality": "87",
"max_hp": 342,
"max_torque": 373,
"oil_capacity": 5.6,
"redline_rpm": "5600",
"engine_stroke": 3.62,
"engine_valves": 16,
"transmission_description": "6-Speed Shiftable Automatic",
"transmission_brand": "",
"transmission_type": "Automatic",
"transmission_gears": 6,
"cargo_volume": 239.7,
"interior_volume": null,
"passenger_volume": "",
"created_at": "2022-01-13T10:24:42.348-07:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-13T10:24:42.348-07:00",
"duty_type": null,
"weight_class": null,
"engine_bore_with_units": "4 in",
"wheelbase_with_units": "135 in",
"msrp": 27710
"ai_enabled": false,
"assetable_type": "Vehicle",
"current_location_entry": {
"id": 224434224,
"locatable_type": "SubmittedInspectionForm",
"locatable_id": 16131760,
"date": "2021-09-24T11:07:37.000-06:00",
"created_at": "2021-09-29T13:12:47.507-06:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-29T13:12:48.165-06:00",
"contact_id": null,
"address": "1508 2nd Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35203, USA",
"is_current": true,
"item_type": "Vehicle",
"item_id": 1573893,
"vehicle_id": 1573893,
"location": "POINT (-86.812816 33.512148)",
"address_components": {
"street_number": "1508",
"street": "2nd Avenue North",
"city": "Birmingham",
"region": "Alabama",
"region_short": "AL",
"country": "United States",
"country_short": "US",
"postal_code": "35203"
"geolocation": {
"latitude": 33.512148,
"longitude": -86.812816
"triggered_by": ""

Work Order Events

work_order_createdFired when a Work Order is created.
work_order_updatedFired when a Work Order is updated.
work_order_deletedFired when a Work Order is deleted. The payload will contain the Work Order's attributes before deletion.
work_order_status_changedFired when the status of a Work Order changes.
work_order_comment_addedFired when a Comment is made on a Work Order.

Example payload for all Work Order events:

"id": 12298324,
"event": "work_order_updated",
"timestamp": "2022-01-14T10:17:56.000-07:00",
"payload": {
"id": 2155781,
"number": "#1",
"completed_at": "2021-10-08T11:28:00.000-06:00",
"description": null,
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