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The Fleetio API uses standard conventions for its architecture:

Typically, all requests to our API will use the same base URL.

  • API Base URL:
  • All API access is over HTTPS
  • All data is sent and received as JSON

Endpoints and Actions

Most resources follow the same format, exposing 5 actions, index, create, show, update, and delete. Each action will require that the correct http verb be specified, as a single endpoint can perform different actions depending on the verb.

ActionEndpointHTTP VerbDescriptionResponse Data Type
Index/vehiclesGETReturns an array of all vehicles.Array
Create/vehiclesPOSTCreates a new vehicle.No content
Show/vehicles/:idGETReturns the vehicle corresponding to the id parameter.Hash
Update/vehicles/:idPATCHUpdates the vehicle corresponding to the id parameter.No content
Delete/vehicles/:idDELETEDeletes the vehicle corresponding to the id parameter.No content