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Response Codes

These are the most common server responses you will encounter when using the Fleetio API.

Status CodeDescription
200 OKEverything went as expected! Used on index and show actions.
201 CreatedA record was created successfully. Used on create actions. Check the location header for the url of the newly created object.
204 No ContentThe action was successful, but the API does not need to return any data. Used on update and delete actions.
401 UnauthorizedYour credentials syntax is not correct, or your credentials are invalid. If you are getting this error, please review the Quick Start guide.
403 ForbiddenYou are trying to access an endpoint for which the user associated with your API key does not have permissions to access. There will not be anything in the response body. If you are getting this error, please check that the endpoint is correct and check the permissions of the user and be sure they can actually do the action you are attempting. You can learn more in the Help Center article about User Roles & Permissions as well as the Full Permissions Reference.
404 Not FoundThe record you are trying to access does not exist.
422 Unprocessable EntityA record cannot be created or updated, usually due to validation errors. If you receive this response code check the response body for error messages. See the example below.
429 Too Many RequestsToo many requests were received in a short period of time. See the page on Rate Limiting for specific details and for tips on how to handle these scenarios.
500 Internal Server ErrorIdeally you should never see this, but if you do, you've probably found a bug. Yes it's true, we make bugs too. We have automated monitoring of these errors, and we try to fix them proactively, but if its a problem and its messing up your day, please tell us about it. It is also possible that our servers are down, so be sure to check out our System Status page for information about our servers and their current health.

422 Unprocessable Entity Errors

This hash will have one key for each field with errors. Each field will have an array of human readable error messages, as shown below:

"errors": {
"name": [ "can't be blank" ],
"meter_unit": [
"can't be blank", "is not a valid value. Please specify one of the predefined values for this field."