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List Archived Vehicles

Returns a list of archived vehicles.

Query Parameters
  • start_cursor string

    The start cursor for Keyset pagination.

  • per_page integer

    Possible values: >= 2 and <= 100

    Default value: 50

    The number of records per page to return

  • filter object

    The fields, operations, and values to filter the records by.

    • name object

    • like string required
    • vin object

    • like string required
    • license_plate object

    • like string required
    • external_id object
    • like string required
    • archived_at object

    • lt string required



  • start_cursor string

    The current start cursor of the records returned.

  • next_cursor string

    The next cursor to retrieve the next page of records.

  • per_page integer

    The maxumum number of records returned.

  • estimated_remaining_count integer

    The number of remaining records including the returned records, up to a maximum of 500.

  • filtered_by object[]

    The filters applied to the returned record set.


  • name object

  • like string
  • sorted_by object[]

    The sorts applied to the returned record set.


  • archived_at string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

  • records object[]
  • id integer
  • account_id integer
  • archived_at date-time

    The iso8601 date and time at which the vehicle was archived, for an archived vehicle.

  • fuel_type_id integer
  • fuel_type_name string

    The name of the Fuel Type associated with this vehicle.

  • fuel_volume_units VolumeUnit

    Possible values: [us_gallons, uk_gallons, liters]

  • group_id integer
  • group_name string

    The name of the Group associated with this vehicle, for vehicles associated with a group.

  • name string

    This vehicle's name.

  • ownership VehicleOwnershipResponse

    Possible values: [Owned, Leased, Rented, Customer]

  • current_location_entry_id integer
  • system_of_measurement MeasurementSystem

    Possible values: [imperial, metric]

  • vehicle_type_id integer

    This vehicles Vehicle Type id.

  • vehicle_type_name string

    The name of the Vehicle Type associated with this Vehicle.

  • is_sample boolean

    Indicates whether this Vehicle record is Sample Data.

  • vehicle_status_id integer

    The id of the Vehicle Status of this vehicle.

  • vehicle_status_name string

    The name of the Vehicle Status associated with this Vehicle.

  • vehicle_status_color string

    The hex color code of the Vehicle Status associated with this Vehicle.

  • primary_meter_unit MeterUnit

    Possible values: [km, hr, mi]

    The measurement unit used for the Vehicle's primary, or secondary (if applicable), meter.

  • primary_meter_value string

    The current value of the primary meter for this Vehicle.

  • primary_meter_date date-time

    The date and time at which the primary meter was last updated.

  • primary_meter_usage_per_day string

    The average number of units of the primary meter used per day.

  • secondary_meter_unit MeterUnit

    Possible values: [km, hr, mi]

    The measurement unit used for the Vehicle's primary, or secondary (if applicable), meter.

  • secondary_meter_value string

    The current value of the secondary meter for this Vehicle.

  • secondary_meter_date date-time

    The date and time at which the secondary meter was last updated.

  • secondary_meter_usage_per_day string

    The average number of units of the secondary meter used per day.

  • in_service_meter_value string

    The meter value at which this Vehicle was put into service.

  • in_service_date date-time

    The date on which this Vehicle was put into service.

  • out_of_service_meter_value string

    The meter value at which this Vehicle was or will be retired.

  • out_of_service_date date-time

    The date on which this Vehicle was or will be retired.

  • estimated_service_months integer

    The estimated number of months this Vehicle will be in service.

  • estimated_replacement_mileage string

    The estimated number of miles before which this Vehicle will be replaced.

  • estimated_resale_price_cents integer

    The estimated resale price of this Vehicle in cents.

  • fuel_entries_count integer

    The number of Fuel Entries associated with this Vehicle.

  • service_entries_count integer

    The number of Service Entries associated with this Vehicle.

  • service_reminders_count integer

    The number of Service Reminders associated with this Vehicle.

  • vehicle_renewal_reminders_count integer

    The number of Vehicle Renewal Reminders associated with this Vehicle.

  • comments_count integer

    The number of Comments associated with this Vehicle.

  • documents_count integer

    The number of documents attached to this Vehicle.

  • images_count integer

    The number of images attached to this Vehicle.

  • issues_count integer

    The number of Issues this Vehicle is associated with.

  • work_orders_count integer

    The number of Work Orders this Vehicle is associated with.

  • labels object[]
  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • name string
  • group_ancestry string

    The ancestry of the Group associated with this Vehicle.

  • color string

    The color of this Vehicle.

  • license_plate string

    The license plate number of this Vehicle.

  • vin string

    The Vehicle Identification Number of this Vehicle.

  • year string

    This Vehicle's model year.

  • make string

    The name of this Vehicle's manufacturer.

  • model string

    The name of the model of this Vehicle.

  • trim string

    The trim level of this Vehicle.

  • registration_expiration_month integer

    Possible values: <= 12

    The month in which this Vehicle's registration expires.

  • registration_state string

    The state, province, or territory in which this Vehicle is registered.

  • default_image_url_small string

    The URL of a small-sized version of the default image for this Vehicle.

  • external_ids object

    Any External IDs associated with this Vehicle.

  • ai_enabled boolean

    Whether this Vehicle has Auto Integrate enabled for it.

  • assetable_type string

    Possible values: [Vehicle]

    Assetable type for Vehicle is always Vehicle for vehicles.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • axle_config_id integer

    The id of the Axle Configuration of this vehicle.
