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Create Purchase Orders

Creates a new Purchase Order

Request Body

  • description string
  • label_list string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    A comma separated list of tags associated with this record. The only delimiter allowed is a comma (,). Please remove any commas from your labels before saving the record.

  • vendor_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • part_location_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The Fleetio ID of the Part Location for the Part being purchased.

  • number integer required

    Must be unique within the scope of your Account. You can either generate your own number or leave it blank and Fleetio will generate one for you. Fleetio will use the next number in the sequence based on your existing Purchase Orders. This becomes the unique identifier, even in endpoints. Id is never used.

  • discount_type DiscountType

    Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

    Default value: percentage

    The type of discount applied to this record.

  • discount_percentage float

    The discount percentage. This field should be present when discount_type is set to percentage.

  • discount number

    The actual value of the discount

  • shipping number

    The cost of shipping

  • tax_1_percentage number

    The primary tax percentage amount. This field should be present when tax_1_type is set to percentage.

  • tax_1 float

    The primary tax amount.

  • tax_1_type string

    Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

    Default value: percentage

    The type of tax to apply to this record.

  • tax_2_percentage number

    The secondary tax percentage amount. This field should be present when tax_2_type is set to percentage. Note that this secondary tax must be configured in your Account Settings.

  • tax_2 float

    The secondary tax amount. Note that this secondary tax must be configured in your Account Settings.

  • tax_2_type string

    Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

    Default value: percentage

    The type of tax to apply to this record.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • purchase_order_line_items_attributes object[]
  • part_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The Fleetio ID of the Part being purchased.

  • quantity integer

    How many of this Part to be purchased.

  • unit_cost float

    The cost of this Part (per unit).



Response Headers


    • id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was created.

    • updated_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

    • discount_type DiscountType

      Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

      Default value: percentage

      The type of discount applied to this record.

    • discount_percentage float

      The discount percentage. This field should be present when discount_type is set to percentage.

    • discount_cents integer

      The discount amount in cents.

    • tax_1_type string

      Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

      Default value: percentage

      The type of tax to apply to this record.

    • tax_1_percentage float

      The primary tax percentage amount. This field should be present when tax_1_type is set to percentage.

    • tax_1_cents integer

      The primary tax amount in cents.

    • tax_2_type string

      Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

      Default value: percentage

      The type of tax to apply to this record.

    • tax_2_percentage float

      The secondary tax percentage amount. This field should be present when tax_2_type is set to percentage. Note that this secondary tax must be configured in your Account Settings.

    • tax_2_cents integer

      The secondary tax amount in cents.

    • shipping_cents integer

      The shipping amount in cents.

    • account_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • number integer

      Must be unique within the scope of your Account. You can either generate your own number or leave it blank and Fleetio will generate one for you. Fleetio will use the next number in the sequence based on your existing Purchase Orders. This becomes the unique identifier, even in endpoints. Id is never used.

    • description string

      Open text field for Purchase Order description.

    • label_list string[]

      Possible values: <= 255 characters

      A list of tags associated with this record.

    • submitted_for_approval_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was submitted for approval.

    • rejected_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was rejected.

    • approved_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was approved.

    • purchased_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was purchased.

    • received_partial_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was partially received.

    • received_full_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was fully received.

    • closed_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Purchase Order was closed.

    • state string

      Possible values: [draft, submitted_for_approval, rejected, approved, purchased, received_partial, received_full, closed]

      See the Purchase Order Lifecycle Guide for more information about Purchase Order states and how to transition between them.

    • custom_fields object

      *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

    • part_location_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Part Location associated with this Purchase Order. Optional in the draft state.

    • vendor_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with this Purchase Order.

    • purchase_order_status_id NullableId

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who created this Purchase Order.

    • rejected_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who closed this Purchase Order.

    • submitted_for_approval_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who submitted this Purchase Order for approval.

    • approved_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who approved this Purchase Order.

    • purchased_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who purchased this Purchase Order.

    • received_partial_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who partially received this Purchase Order.

    • received_full_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who fully received this Purchase Order.

    • closed_by_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the User who closed this Purchase Order.

    • documents_count integer

      The number of documents attached to this Purchase Order.

    • comments_count integer

      The number of Comments on this Purchase Order.

    • subtotal_cents integer

      The subtotal amount in cents.

    • total_amount_cents integer

      The total amount in cents.

    • watchers_count integer

      The count of watchers associated with the record.

    • watchable_options object

      Options related to watching the record.

    • bulk_watch_record boolean

      Indicates if a bulk watch record is created.

    • skip_automatic_watchers_callbacks boolean

      Indicates if automatic watchers callbacks are skipped.
