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Create Inventory Journal Entry

This endpoint provides the ability to adjust parts inventory.

Request Body


  • adjustment_quantity float required

    The quantity adjustment to be made to the Part's count.

  • inventory_adjustment_reason_id integer required

    The ID of the Inventory Adjustment Reason associated with the entry.

  • current_quantity float

    The current quantity of the Part after adjustments.

  • part_id integer required

    The ID of the Part associated with the entry.

  • part_location_detail_id integer required

    This ID refers to the details of the Part at a specific Part Location. You can send a GET request to to get any part_location_detail_id(s) for a Part. The id attribute under the part_locations object is the value that corresponds to this parameter.

  • comments_attributes object[]
  • title string

    The title of the comment.

  • comment string

    The comment text.



Response Headers


    • id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was created.

    • updated_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

    • account_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • user_id integer

      The ID of the User associated with the entry.

    • part_id integer

      The ID of the Part associated with the entry.

    • part_location_detail_id integer

      The ID of the details of this Part at a specific Part Location. Not the same as part_location_id.

    • previous_quantity string

      The previous quantity of the Part before any adjustments.

    • current_quantity string

      The current quantity of the Part after adjustments.

    • adjustment_quantity string

      The quantity adjustment made to the Part's count.

    • work_order_part_line_item_id integer

      The ID of the Work Order Part Line Item associated with the entry. Only applicable if the entry is associated with a Work Order.

    • inventory_adjustment_reason_id integer

      The ID of the Inventory Adjustment Reason associated with the entry.

    • comments_count integer

      How many Comments this entry has.

    • adjustment_type string

      Possible values: [initial, manual, work_order, purchase_order, bulk_update, transfer]

      The type of adjustment that triggered the entry.

    • transfer_part_location_id integer

      The ID of the Part Location that the Part was transferred to. Only applicable if the entry is associated with a transfer.

    • purchase_order_line_item_id integer

      The ID of the Purchase Order Line Item associated with the entry. Only applicable if the entry is associated with a Purchase Order.

    • work_order_id integer

      The ID of the Work Order associated with the entry. Only applicable if the entry is associated with a Work Order.

    • unit_cost_cents string

      The unit cost in cents of the Part associated with the entry.

    • total_inventory_value_cents string

      The total inventory value in cents of the Part associated with the entry.

    • vendor_id integer

      The ID of the Vendor associated with the entry. Only applicable if the entry is associated with a Purchase Order.

    • metadata object

      Additional metadata about the entry.

    • id integer

      The ID of the associated record.

    • number string

      The number of the associated record.

    • type string

      Possible values: [PurchaseOrder, WorkOrder]
