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List Acquisitions

Returns a list of your Acquisitions.

Query Parameters
  • start_cursor string

    The start cursor for Keyset pagination.

  • per_page integer

    Possible values: >= 2 and <= 100

    Default value: 50

    The number of records per page to return.

  • filter object

    The fields, operations, and values to filter the records by.

    • acquisition_type object
    • eq string required

      Possible values: [loan, lease]

    • reference_number object

    • like string required
    • vehicle_id object
    • eq string required
    • lender_id object
    • eq string required
    • vendor_id object
    • eq string required
    • acquisition_date object

    • eq string required
    • created_at object

    • lt string required
    • updated_at object

    • lt string required
  • sort object

    The fields and direction to sort the results by.

    • id string

      Possible values: [asc, desc]

      Default value: desc

    • acquisition_date string

      Possible values: [asc, desc]

    • created_at string

      Possible values: [asc, desc]

    • updated_at string

      Possible values: [asc, desc]




  • start_cursor string

    The current start cursor of the records returned.

  • next_cursor string

    The next cursor to retrieve the next page of records.

  • per_page integer

    The maxumum number of records returned.

  • estimated_remaining_count integer

    The number of remaining records including the returned records, up to a maximum of 500.

  • filtered_by object[]

    The filters applied to the returned record set.


  • acquisition_type object
  • eq string

    Possible values: [loan, lease]

  • sorted_by object[]

    The sorts applied to the returned record set.


  • updated_at string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

  • records object[]
  • id integer
  • vehicle_id integer
  • acquisition_type string

    Possible values: [loan, lease]

  • vendor_id integer
  • lender_id integer
  • first_payment_date date

    The date of the first payment for the Acquisition, if applicable.

  • number_of_payments integer

    For lease type Acquisitions, this number represents the number of months for which the vehicle is leased. For loan type Acquisitions, this number represents the number of payments until the loan is paid off.

  • mileage_cap integer

    For lease type Acquisitions, this number represents the number of miles allowed each year, before additional charges will be incurred.

  • annual_percentage_rate string

    For loan type Acquisitions, the annual percentage rate for the loan.

  • reference_number string

    Optional data for collecting information such as the invoice number, transaction id, or receipt number.

  • notes string

    Optional free text field for additional notes.

  • loan_amount_cents integer

    For loan type Acquisitions, the total principal amount at the start of the loan.

  • down_payment_amount_cents integer

    For loan type Acquisitions, the amount of the initial down payment.

  • monthly_cost_cents integer

    Total amount that will be paid each month including any taxes and fees.

  • capitalized_cost_cents integer

    Capitalized cost per month of the Vehicle.

  • residual_value_cents integer

    For lease type Acquisitions, the value of the Vehicle at the end of the lease.

  • purchase_price_cents integer

    For loan type Acquisitions, the total purchase price of the Vehicle.

  • mileage_charge_cents integer

    For lease type Acquisitions, the amount charged for each mile over the mileage cap.

  • acquisition_date date

    The date on which the Acquisition occurred or began.

  • vehicle object

    A Vehicle

  • id integer
  • name string

    This vehicle's name.

  • color string

    The color of this Vehicle.

  • license_plate string

    The license plate number of this Vehicle.

  • vin string

    The Vehicle Identification Number of this Vehicle.

  • year string

    This Vehicle's model year.

  • make string

    The name of this Vehicle's manufacturer.

  • model string

    The name of the model of this Vehicle.

  • trim string

    The trim level of this Vehicle.

  • registration_expiration_month integer

    Possible values: <= 12

    The month in which this Vehicle's registration expires.

  • registration_state string

    The state, province, or territory in which this Vehicle is registered.

  • default_image_url_small string

    The URL of a small-sized version of the default image for this Vehicle.

  • lender object

    A Vendor

  • name string

    The name of the Vendor.

  • phone string

    The phone number of the Vendor.

  • city string

    The city of the Vendor.

  • region string

    The region, state, province, or territory of the Vendor.

  • postal_code string

    The postal code or ZIP code of the Vendor.

  • country string

    The country of the Vendor.

  • external_id string

    The external identifier of the Vendor.

  • vendor object

    A Vendor

  • name string

    The name of the Vendor.

  • phone string

    The phone number of the Vendor.

  • city string

    The city of the Vendor.

  • region string

    The region, state, province, or territory of the Vendor.

  • postal_code string

    The postal code or ZIP code of the Vendor.

  • country string

    The country of the Vendor.

  • external_id string

    The external identifier of the Vendor.
