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Retrieve Work Order

Retrieve the details of an existing Work Order.

Path Parameters

  • id string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

    The id of the relevant record




  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • number string

    The unique number of this Work Order.

  • completed_at date-time

    The date and time at which the Work Order was completed.

  • description string

    A description of this Work Order.

  • ending_meter_same_as_start boolean

    Indicates whether or not the ending meter is the same as the starting meter.

  • duration_in_seconds integer

    The number of seconds elapsed between beginning this Work Order and completing it.

  • invoice_number string

    The number of the Invoice associated with this Work Order.

  • state string

    Possible values: [active, completed]

    Indicates whether this Work Order is currently active or has already been completed.

  • issued_at date-time

    The date and time at which the Work Order was issued.

  • issued_by_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • issued_by_name string

    The name of the Contact associated with the User who issued this Work Order.

  • contact_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • contact_name string

    The name of the Contact currently assigned to this Work Order.

  • purchase_order_number string

    The number of any Purchase Order associated with this Work Order.

  • started_at date-time

    The date and time at which the Work Order was started.

  • expected_completed_at date-time

    The date and time at which the Work Order is expected to be completed.

  • contact_image_url string

    The URL of the image associated with the Contact currently assigned to this Work Order.

  • work_order_sub_line_items object[]

  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • description string

    The description of the sub line item.

  • item_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • item_type string

    Possible values: [Contact]

  • work_order_line_item_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • quantity float

    The quantity of this sub line item.

  • part_location_detail_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • position integer

    The position of this sub line item in a list of sub line items.

  • item_name string

    The name of this sub line item.

  • unit_cost float

    The unit cost of this sub line item.

  • contact object

    A Contact

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • email string

    The Contact's email address.

  • name string

    The Contact's full name.

  • first_name string

    The Contact's first name.

  • middle_name string

    The Contact's middle name.

  • last_name string

    The Contact's last name.

  • images_count integer

    The number of images associated with this Contact.

  • documents_count integer

    The number of documents associated with this Contact.

  • comments_count integer

    The number of comments associated with this Contact.

  • group_id integer

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Fleetio ID of that Group.

  • group_name string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Group's name.

  • group_hierarchy string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be a pipe delimited string representing the Group hierarchy. Each Group in the list is the parent of the Groups which follow.

  • technician boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Technician.

  • vehicle_operator boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Vehicle Operator.

  • employee boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is an Employee.

  • birth_date date

    The Contact's birth date.

  • street_address string

    The Contact's street address.

  • street_address_line_2 string

    The Contact's street address line 2.

  • city string

    The Contact's city.

  • region string

    The Contact's region, state, or province.

  • postal_code string

    The Contact's postal code, zip code, or equivalent.

  • country string

    The Contact's country.

  • employee_number string

    The Contact's employee number.

  • job_title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The Contact's job title.

  • license_class string

    The Contact's driver's license class.

  • license_number string

    The Contact's driver's license number.

  • license_state string

    The locality which issued the Contact's license.

  • license_expiration date

    The Contact's driver's license expiration date.

  • home_phone_number string

    The Contact's home phone number.

  • mobile_phone_number string

    The Contact's mobile phone number.

  • work_phone_number string

    The Contact's work phone number.

  • other_phone_number string

    Any other phone number for this Contact.

  • start_date date

    When the Contact started working for the company, if applicable.

  • leave_date date

    When the Contact left or will leave the company, if applicable.

  • hourly_labor_rate float

    The Contact's hourly rate.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • attachment_permissions object
  • read_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for photos.

  • manage_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.

  • read_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for documents.

  • manage_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.

  • default_image_url string

    The URL of the Contact's default image/profile photo, if any.

  • user object

    If the Contact is a Fleetio User, those details will be included here.

  • account_membership_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • labor_time_entries object[]
  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • account_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • contact_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • duration_in_seconds integer
  • ended_at date-time
  • laborable_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • laborable_type string

    Possible values: [WorkOrderSubLineItem]

  • started_at date-time
  • data object
  • clock_in_latitude float
  • clock_in_longitude float
  • clock_out_latitude float
  • clock_out_longitude float
  • active boolean

    Indicates whether this Labor Time Entry is active.

  • scheduled_at date-time

    The date and time at which the Work Order was scheduled.

  • vehicle_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • vehicle_name string

    The name of the Vehicle associated with this Work Order.

  • vendor_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • vendor_name string

    The name of the Vendor associated with this Work Order.

  • work_order_status_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • work_order_status_name string

    The name of the Work Order Status associated with this Work Order.

  • work_order_status_color string

    The color of the Work Order Status seen in the UI.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • work_order_line_items object[]
  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • labor_cost float

    The cost of labor units worked.

  • parts_cost float

    The cost of parts.

  • parts_cost_cents integer

    The parts cost amount in cents.

  • labor_cost_cents integer

    The cost of labor units worked, in cents.

  • subtotal float

    The pre-tax subtotal amount.

  • subtotal_cents integer

    The pre-tax subtotal amount in cents.

  • description string

    A description of this Work Order Line Item.

  • title string

    The title of this Work Order Line Item.

  • item_id integer

    The ID of the item associated with this Work Order Line Item.

  • item_type string

    Possible values: [Issue, ServiceTask]

    The type of item associated with this Work Order Line Item.

  • work_order_line_item_id integer
  • item_name string

    The name of the item associated with this Work Order Line Item.

  • position integer

    The position of this Work Order Line Item in a list of Work Order Line Items.

  • issues object[]

    Any Issues associated with this Work Order Line Item.

  • id integer

    The ID of the Issue.

  • name string

    The name of the Issue.

  • vmrs_reason_for_repair object
  • account_id integer
  • alias string
  • code string
  • enabled boolean
  • id integer
  • name string
  • repair_type string
  • standard boolean
  • standard_name string
  • type string
  • vmrs_standard_reason_for_repair object
  • vmrs_system_group object
  • account_id number
  • assembly_code string
  • assembly_name string
  • code_type string

    Possible values: [system_group, system, assembly, component]

  • component_code string
  • component_name string
  • enabled boolean
  • id integer
  • permissions object
  • destroy boolean
  • standard boolean
  • system_code string
  • system_group string
  • system_group_code string
  • system_name string
  • type string
  • vmrs_standard_system_assembly_component object
  • vmrs_system object
  • account_id number
  • assembly_code string
  • assembly_name string
  • code_type string

    Possible values: [system_group, system, assembly, component]

  • component_code string
  • component_name string
  • enabled boolean
  • id integer
  • permissions object
  • destroy boolean
  • standard boolean
  • system_code string
  • system_group string
  • system_group_code string
  • system_name string
  • type string
  • vmrs_standard_system_assembly_component object
  • vmrs_assembly object
  • account_id number
  • assembly_code string
  • assembly_name string
  • code_type string

    Possible values: [system_group, system, assembly, component]

  • component_code string
  • component_name string
  • enabled boolean
  • id integer
  • permissions object
  • destroy boolean
  • standard boolean
  • system_code string
  • system_group string
  • system_group_code string
  • system_name string
  • type string
  • vmrs_standard_system_assembly_component object
  • vmrs_component object
  • account_id number
  • assembly_code string
  • assembly_name string
  • code_type string

    Possible values: [system_group, system, assembly, component]

  • component_code string
  • component_name string
  • enabled boolean
  • id integer
  • permissions object
  • destroy boolean
  • standard boolean
  • system_code string
  • system_group string
  • system_group_code string
  • system_name string
  • type string
  • vmrs_standard_system_assembly_component object
  • work_order_sub_line_items object[]

  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • description string

    The description of the sub line item.

  • item_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • item_type string

    Possible values: [Contact]

  • work_order_line_item_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • quantity float

    The quantity of this sub line item.

  • part_location_detail_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • position integer

    The position of this sub line item in a list of sub line items.

  • item_name string

    The name of this sub line item.

  • unit_cost float

    The unit cost of this sub line item.

  • contact object

    A Contact

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • email string

    The Contact's email address.

  • name string

    The Contact's full name.

  • first_name string

    The Contact's first name.

  • middle_name string

    The Contact's middle name.

  • last_name string

    The Contact's last name.

  • images_count integer

    The number of images associated with this Contact.

  • documents_count integer

    The number of documents associated with this Contact.

  • comments_count integer

    The number of comments associated with this Contact.

  • group_id integer

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Fleetio ID of that Group.

  • group_name string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Group's name.

  • group_hierarchy string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be a pipe delimited string representing the Group hierarchy. Each Group in the list is the parent of the Groups which follow.

  • technician boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Technician.

  • vehicle_operator boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Vehicle Operator.

  • employee boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is an Employee.

  • birth_date date

    The Contact's birth date.

  • street_address string

    The Contact's street address.

  • street_address_line_2 string

    The Contact's street address line 2.

  • city string

    The Contact's city.

  • region string

    The Contact's region, state, or province.

  • postal_code string

    The Contact's postal code, zip code, or equivalent.

  • country string

    The Contact's country.

  • employee_number string

    The Contact's employee number.

  • job_title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The Contact's job title.

  • license_class string

    The Contact's driver's license class.

  • license_number string

    The Contact's driver's license number.

  • license_state string

    The locality which issued the Contact's license.

  • license_expiration date

    The Contact's driver's license expiration date.

  • home_phone_number string

    The Contact's home phone number.

  • mobile_phone_number string

    The Contact's mobile phone number.

  • work_phone_number string

    The Contact's work phone number.

  • other_phone_number string

    Any other phone number for this Contact.

  • start_date date

    When the Contact started working for the company, if applicable.

  • leave_date date

    When the Contact left or will leave the company, if applicable.

  • hourly_labor_rate float

    The Contact's hourly rate.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • attachment_permissions object
  • read_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for photos.

  • manage_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.

  • read_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for documents.

  • manage_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.

  • default_image_url string

    The URL of the Contact's default image/profile photo, if any.

  • user object

    If the Contact is a Fleetio User, those details will be included here.

  • account_membership_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • labor_time_entries object[]
  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • account_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • contact_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • duration_in_seconds integer
  • ended_at date-time
  • laborable_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • laborable_type string

    Possible values: [WorkOrderSubLineItem]

  • started_at date-time
  • data object
  • clock_in_latitude float
  • clock_in_longitude float
  • clock_out_latitude float
  • clock_out_longitude float
  • active boolean

    Indicates whether this Labor Time Entry is active.

  • labor_time_entries object[]
  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • account_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • contact_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • duration_in_seconds integer
  • ended_at date-time
  • laborable_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • laborable_type string

    Possible values: [WorkOrderSubLineItem]

  • started_at date-time
  • data object
  • clock_in_latitude float
  • clock_in_longitude float
  • clock_out_latitude float
  • clock_out_longitude float
  • active boolean

    Indicates whether this Labor Time Entry is active.

  • meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • starting_meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • ending_meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • secondary_meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • starting_secondary_meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • ending_secondary_meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • attachment_permissions object
  • read_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for photos.

  • manage_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.

  • read_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for documents.

  • manage_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.

  • vmrs_repair_priority_class object

    The VMRS Repair Priority Class associated with this Work Order.

  • id integer

    The ID of the VMRS Repair Priority Class.

  • code string

    The code of the VMRS Repair Priority Class.

  • name string

    The name of the VMRS Repair Priority Class.

  • color string

    The color of the VMRS Repair Priority Class.

  • labels object[]
  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • name string
  • issues object[]

    Any Issues associated with this Work Order.

  • id integer

    The ID of the Issue.

  • name string

    The name of the Issue.

  • watchers_count integer

    The number of Users watching this Work Order.

  • is_watched boolean

    Indicates whether the current User is watching this Work Order.

  • discount_type DiscountType

    Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

    Default value: percentage

    The type of discount applied to this record.

  • discount_percentage float

    The discount percentage. This field should be present when discount_type is set to percentage.

  • discount float

    The discount amount.

  • parts_subtotal float

    The total cost of parts for this record.

  • labor_subtotal float

    The total cost of labor for this record.

  • subtotal float

    The pre-tax subtotal amount.

  • tax_1_type string

    Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

    Default value: percentage

    The type of tax to apply to this record.

  • tax_1_percentage float

    The primary tax percentage amount. This field should be present when tax_1_type is set to percentage.

  • tax_2_type string

    Possible values: [fixed, percentage]

    Default value: percentage

    The type of tax to apply to this record.

  • tax_2_percentage float

    The secondary tax percentage amount. This field should be present when tax_2_type is set to percentage. Note that this secondary tax must be configured in your Account Settings.

  • tax_1 float

    The primary tax amount.

  • tax_2 float

    The secondary tax amount. Note that this secondary tax must be configured in your Account Settings.

  • total_amount float

    The total amount.

  • labor_time_in_seconds integer

    The sum, in seconds, of the duration of all labor line items of a completed Work Order.

  • comments object[]

    A list of the comments made on this record.

  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • commentable_type CommentableType

    Possible values: [Contact, FleetcorCard, FuelEntry, InventoryJournalEntry, Issue, Part, PurchaseOrder, ServiceEntry, ServiceReminder, SubmittedInspectionItem, Vehicle, VehicleAssignment, Vendor, WexCard, WorkOrder]

    The type of record that the Comment will be left on. Must be associated with a matching commentable_id.

  • commentable_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • user_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • title string deprecated

    The title of the Comment.

  • comment string

    The content of the Comment message body.

  • user_full_name string

    The full name of the User who created the Comment.

  • user_image_url string

    The image url for the User who created the Comment.

  • rich_content object
  • html_content string

    The comment message body rendered as HTML.

  • with_mentions boolean

    Indicates if the message body contains @mentions.

  • comments_count integer

    The number of comments made on this record.

  • images object[]

    A list of the images attached to this record.

  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • imageable_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • imageable_type ImageableType

    Possible values: [ExpenseEntry, WorkOrder, Equipment, IssueResolution, ServiceEntry, Vendor, ServiceProgram, Issue, Contact, Part, Vehicle, FuelEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem]

  • file_name string

    The name of the image file.

  • file_mime_type Image MIME Type

    Possible values: [image/jpeg, image/gif, image/jif, image/jfif, image/jfi, image/tiff, image/png, image/jpg, image/jpe, image/pdf, image/webp, image/tif, image/psd, image/raw, image/arw, image/cr2, image/nrw, image/k25, image/bmp, image/dip, image/ai, image/eps, image/heif, image/heic, image/ind, image/indd, image/indt, image/jp2, image/j2k, image/jpf, image/jpx, image/jpm, image/mj2, image/x-png]

  • file_size number

    The size of the image file in bytes.

  • file_url string

    The URL to access the image file.

  • full_url string

    The full URL to access the image file, including any necessary authentication or parameters.

  • images_count integer

    The number of images attached to this record.

  • documents object[]

    A list of the documents attached to this record.

  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • documentable_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • documentable_type DocumentableType

    Possible values: [ServiceEntry, FuelEntry, Issue, WorkOrder, ExpenseEntry]

  • file_name string

    The name of the file.

  • file_mime_type string

    The MIME type of the file.

  • file_size number

    The size of the file in bytes.

  • file_url string

    The URL to access the file.

  • full_file_url string

    The full URL to access the file, including any necessary authentication or parameters.

  • documents_count integer

    The number of documents attached to this record.
