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Retrieve Purchase Detail

Retrieve the details of an existing Purchase Detail.

Path Parameters

  • id string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

    The id of the relevant record




  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • comment string

    Any additional information about the purchase.

  • date string

    The date of the purchase.

  • meter_entry_value float

    The meter value at the time of purchase.

  • meter_entry object

    A Meter Entry

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • auto_voided_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

  • category string

    Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

    A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

  • meter_type string

    Possible values: [secondary]

    Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

  • meterable_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • meterable_type string

    Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

    The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

  • value string

    The current value of the meter.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • void boolean

    Default value: false

    Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

  • type string

    Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

  • date date

    The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

  • vehicle_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • vehicle_name string

    The name of the Vehicle.

  • vendor_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • vendor_name string

    The name of the Vendor.

  • warranty_expiration_date string

    The expiration date of the warranty, if applicable.

  • warranty_expiration_meter_value integer

    The meter value at which the warranty would expire, if applicable.

  • price float

    The price of the Vehicle.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.
