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Create Fuel Entry

Creates a new Fuel Entry

Request Body

  • vehicle_id integer required

    Possible values: >= 1

  • vendor_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The Fleetio id of the Vendor associated with this Fuel Entry.

  • fuel_type_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The Fleetio id of the Fuel Type associated with this Fuel Entry.

  • date date-time required

    We recommend using ISO-8601 formatted dates to avoid ambiguity.

  • us_gallons float required

    The fuel volume amount in US gallons. This field will only be used if the Vehicle is configured to use US gallons, otherwise it will be ignored.

  • uk_gallons float

    The fuel volume amount in UK gallons. This field will only be used if the Vehicle is configured to use UK gallons, otherwise it will be ignored.

  • liters float

    The fuel volume amount in liters. This field will be used if the Vehicle is configured to use liters.

  • price_per_volume_unit float

    The unit price for the Vehicle's configured volume unit.

  • meter_entry_attributes object required

    Each Fuel Entry requires an associated Meter Entry

  • value float

    The value is the actual number on the meter that increments over time. The unit is determined by the configured meter_unit on the associated Vehicle.

  • void boolean

    If you attempt to save a meter value, which is too high or too low, Fleetio's validation rules will reject it. If you need to bypass this validation, you may mark an entry as void.

  • reference string

    A reference number or identifier for this Fuel Entry. This field is often used to store a receipt number or other unique identifier.

  • partial boolean

    Indicates whether this Fuel Entry is a partial fill-up. Partial fill-ups are used to record Fuel Entries that are not full fill-ups. This field is false if not provided.

  • personal boolean

    Indicates whether this Fuel Entry is personal. Personal Fuel Entries are used to record fuel purchases that are not associated with a specific Vehicle or Equipment. This field is false if not provided.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.



Response Headers


    • id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was created.

    • updated_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

    • cost_per_hr float

      The automatically calculated cost per hour since the last Fuel Entry.

    • cost_per_km float

      The automatically calculated cost per km since the last Fuel Entry.

    • cost_per_mi float

      The automatically calculated cost per mi since the last Fuel Entry.

    • date date-time

      The date and time at which this Fuel Entry was recorded.

    • external_id string

      Used to uniquely identify Fuel Entries that are imported from external systems, such as Fleetcor and Wex.

    • fuel_type_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The Fleetio id of the Fuel Type associated with this Fuel Entry.

    • fuel_type_name string

      The name of the Fuel Type associated with this Fuel Entry.

    • kpl float

      Running average recorded kilometers per liter (calculated automatically).

    • liters string

      The fuel volume amount in liters. This field will only be used if the Vehicle is configured to use liters, otherwise it will be ignored.

    • liters_per_hr float

      Running average recorded liters per hour (calculated automatically).

    • lp100k float

      Running average recorded liters per 100 kilometers (calculated automatically).

    • mpg_uk float

      Running average recorded miles per UK Gallon (calculated automatically).

    • mpg_us float

      Running average recorded miles per US Gallon (calculated automatically).

    • partial boolean

      Used to denote a partial fuel up as opposed to a complete fuel up. Learn more about partial Fuel Entries here.

    • personal boolean

      Used to denote a personal expense.

    • price_per_volume_unit float

      The unit price for the Vehicle's volume unit.

    • raw_transaction_data object

      This object is dynamically populated by external fuel card integrations.

    • reference string

      Optional data field for collecting information such as the invoice number, transaction id, or receipt number, for example.

    • region string
    • reset boolean

      Default value: false

    • uk_gallons string

      The fuel volume amount in UK gallons. This field will only be used if the Vehicle is configured to use UK Gallons, otherwise it will be ignored.

    • uk_gallons_per_hr float

      Running average of UK gallons used per hour. Calculated automatically.

    • us_gallons string

      The fuel volume amount in US gallons. This field will only be used if the Vehicle is configured to use US Gallons, otherwise it will be ignored.

    • us_gallons_per_hr float

      Running average of US gallons used per hour. Calculated automatically.

    • usage_in_hr string

      The automatically calculated usage in hours since the most recent Fuel Entry.

    • usage_in_km string

      The automatically calculated usage in kilometers since the most recent Fuel Entry.

    • usage_in_mi string

      The automatically calculated usage in miles since the most recent Fuel Entry.

    • vehicle_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The Fleetio id of the Vehicle associated with this Fuel Entry.

    • vehicle_name string

      The name of the Vehicle associated with this Fuel Entry.

    • vendor_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

      The Fleetio id of the Vendor associated with this Fuel Entry.

    • vendor_name string

      The name of the Vendor associated with this Fuel Entry.

    • is_sample boolean
    • custom_fields object

      *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

    • fuel_economy_for_current_user string
    • fuel_economy_units_for_current_user string

      Default value: MPG

    • meter_entry object

      A Meter Entry

    • id integer
    • created_at date-time
    • updated_at date-time
    • auto_voided_at date-time

      The date and time at which this Meter Entry was automatically voided. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in User's local time.

    • category string

      Possible values: [starting, ending, nightly, manual]

      A category to describe the function of this Meter Entry.

    • meter_type string

      Possible values: [secondary]

      Indicates whether or not this Meter is a secondary Meter.

    • meterable_id NullableId

      Possible values: >= 1

    • meterable_type string

      Possible values: [FuelEntry, Issue, PurchaseDetail, ServiceEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem, VehicleAssignment, WorkOrder]

      The type of the object with which this Meter Entry is associated.

    • value string

      The current value of the meter.

    • vehicle_id NullableId

      Possible values: >= 1

    • void boolean

      Default value: false

      Indicates whether or not this Meter Entry has been voided.

    • type string

      Possible values: [GpsMeterEntry]

    • date date

      The date on which this Meter Entry was recorded. Formatted according to ISO-8601.

    • geolocation object
    • gps_device string
    • original_vendor string
    • exception_distance_in_mi number
    • exception_distance_in_km number
    • map_previews object
    • small string
    • large string
    • small_short string
    • large_short string
    • attachment_permissions object
    • read_photos boolean

      Indicates whether the user has read permission for photos.

    • manage_photos boolean

      Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.

    • read_documents boolean

      Indicates whether the user has read permission for documents.

    • manage_documents boolean

      Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.

    • total_amount float

      The total amount of the Fuel Entry.

    • comments object[]

      A list of the comments made on this record.

    • id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was created.

    • updated_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

    • commentable_type CommentableType

      Possible values: [Contact, FleetcorCard, FuelEntry, InventoryJournalEntry, Issue, Part, PurchaseOrder, ServiceEntry, ServiceReminder, SubmittedInspectionItem, Vehicle, VehicleAssignment, Vendor, WexCard, WorkOrder]

      The type of record that the Comment will be left on. Must be associated with a matching commentable_id.

    • commentable_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • user_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • title string deprecated

      The title of the Comment.

    • comment string

      The content of the Comment message body.

    • user_full_name string

      The full name of the User who created the Comment.

    • user_image_url string

      The image url for the User who created the Comment.

    • rich_content object
    • html_content string

      The comment message body rendered as HTML.

    • with_mentions boolean

      Indicates if the message body contains @mentions.

    • comments_count integer

      The number of comments made on this record.

    • images object[]

      A list of the images attached to this record.

    • id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was created.

    • updated_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

    • imageable_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • imageable_type ImageableType

      Possible values: [ExpenseEntry, WorkOrder, Equipment, IssueResolution, ServiceEntry, Vendor, ServiceProgram, Issue, Contact, Part, Vehicle, FuelEntry, SubmittedInspectionItem]

    • file_name string

      The name of the image file.

    • file_mime_type Image MIME Type

      Possible values: [image/jpeg, image/gif, image/jif, image/jfif, image/jfi, image/tiff, image/png, image/jpg, image/jpe, image/pdf, image/webp, image/tif, image/psd, image/raw, image/arw, image/cr2, image/nrw, image/k25, image/bmp, image/dip, image/ai, image/eps, image/heif, image/heic, image/ind, image/indd, image/indt, image/jp2, image/j2k, image/jpf, image/jpx, image/jpm, image/mj2, image/x-png]

    • file_size number

      The size of the image file in bytes.

    • file_url string

      The URL to access the image file.

    • full_url string

      The full URL to access the image file, including any necessary authentication or parameters.

    • images_count integer

      The number of images attached to this record.

    • documents object[]

      A list of the documents attached to this record.

    • id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • created_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was created.

    • updated_at date-time

      The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

    • documentable_id integer

      Possible values: >= 1

    • documentable_type DocumentableType

      Possible values: [ServiceEntry, FuelEntry, Issue, WorkOrder, ExpenseEntry]

    • file_name string

      The name of the file.

    • file_mime_type string

      The MIME type of the file.

    • file_size number

      The size of the file in bytes.

    • file_url string

      The URL to access the file.

    • full_file_url string

      The full URL to access the file, including any necessary authentication or parameters.

    • documents_count integer

      The number of documents attached to this record.
