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Retrieve Assignment

List Equipment Assignments

Path Parameters

  • id string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

    The id of the relevant record




  • id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.

  • started_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Assignment began.

  • ended_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Assignment ended

  • deleted_at date-time

    The date and time at which this Assignment was deleted.

  • active boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether or not this Assignment is active.

  • equipment_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • contact_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • actor_id integer

    Possible values: >= 1

  • assigned_contact object

    A Contact

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • email string

    The Contact's email address.

  • name string

    The Contact's full name.

  • first_name string

    The Contact's first name.

  • middle_name string

    The Contact's middle name.

  • last_name string

    The Contact's last name.

  • images_count integer

    The number of images associated with this Contact.

  • documents_count integer

    The number of documents associated with this Contact.

  • comments_count integer

    The number of comments associated with this Contact.

  • group_id integer

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Fleetio ID of that Group.

  • group_name string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Group's name.

  • group_hierarchy string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be a pipe delimited string representing the Group hierarchy. Each Group in the list is the parent of the Groups which follow.

  • technician boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Technician.

  • vehicle_operator boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Vehicle Operator.

  • employee boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is an Employee.

  • birth_date date

    The Contact's birth date.

  • street_address string

    The Contact's street address.

  • street_address_line_2 string

    The Contact's street address line 2.

  • city string

    The Contact's city.

  • region string

    The Contact's region, state, or province.

  • postal_code string

    The Contact's postal code, zip code, or equivalent.

  • country string

    The Contact's country.

  • employee_number string

    The Contact's employee number.

  • job_title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The Contact's job title.

  • license_class string

    The Contact's driver's license class.

  • license_number string

    The Contact's driver's license number.

  • license_state string

    The locality which issued the Contact's license.

  • license_expiration date

    The Contact's driver's license expiration date.

  • home_phone_number string

    The Contact's home phone number.

  • mobile_phone_number string

    The Contact's mobile phone number.

  • work_phone_number string

    The Contact's work phone number.

  • other_phone_number string

    Any other phone number for this Contact.

  • start_date date

    When the Contact started working for the company, if applicable.

  • leave_date date

    When the Contact left or will leave the company, if applicable.

  • hourly_labor_rate float

    The Contact's hourly rate.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • attachment_permissions object
  • read_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for photos.

  • manage_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.

  • read_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for documents.

  • manage_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.

  • default_image_url string

    The URL of the Contact's default image/profile photo, if any.

  • user object

    If the Contact is a Fleetio User, those details will be included here.

  • account_membership_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1

  • actor object

    A Contact

  • id integer
  • created_at date-time
  • updated_at date-time
  • email string

    The Contact's email address.

  • name string

    The Contact's full name.

  • first_name string

    The Contact's first name.

  • middle_name string

    The Contact's middle name.

  • last_name string

    The Contact's last name.

  • images_count integer

    The number of images associated with this Contact.

  • documents_count integer

    The number of documents associated with this Contact.

  • comments_count integer

    The number of comments associated with this Contact.

  • group_id integer

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Fleetio ID of that Group.

  • group_name string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be the Group's name.

  • group_hierarchy string

    If this Contact belongs to a Group, this will be a pipe delimited string representing the Group hierarchy. Each Group in the list is the parent of the Groups which follow.

  • technician boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Technician.

  • vehicle_operator boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is a Vehicle Operator.

  • employee boolean

    Whether or not the Contact is an Employee.

  • birth_date date

    The Contact's birth date.

  • street_address string

    The Contact's street address.

  • street_address_line_2 string

    The Contact's street address line 2.

  • city string

    The Contact's city.

  • region string

    The Contact's region, state, or province.

  • postal_code string

    The Contact's postal code, zip code, or equivalent.

  • country string

    The Contact's country.

  • employee_number string

    The Contact's employee number.

  • job_title string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The Contact's job title.

  • license_class string

    The Contact's driver's license class.

  • license_number string

    The Contact's driver's license number.

  • license_state string

    The locality which issued the Contact's license.

  • license_expiration date

    The Contact's driver's license expiration date.

  • home_phone_number string

    The Contact's home phone number.

  • mobile_phone_number string

    The Contact's mobile phone number.

  • work_phone_number string

    The Contact's work phone number.

  • other_phone_number string

    Any other phone number for this Contact.

  • start_date date

    When the Contact started working for the company, if applicable.

  • leave_date date

    When the Contact left or will leave the company, if applicable.

  • hourly_labor_rate float

    The Contact's hourly rate.

  • custom_fields object

    *Full details on working with Custom Fields here.

  • attachment_permissions object
  • read_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for photos.

  • manage_photos boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.

  • read_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has read permission for documents.

  • manage_documents boolean

    Indicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.

  • default_image_url string

    The URL of the Contact's default image/profile photo, if any.

  • user object

    If the Contact is a Fleetio User, those details will be included here.

  • account_membership_id NullableId

    Possible values: >= 1
