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List Inspection Forms

Returns a list of Inspection Forms.

Query Parameters
  • include_all integer

    Possible values: [1]

    Whether to include all records. By default, this endpoint will return Inspection Forms that have at least one active Inspection Schedule.



Response Headers

  • X-PaginationLimit string

    The per page limit. Currently set to 100 but subject to change at any time.

  • X-Pagination-Current-Page string

    The current page. Defaults to 1.

  • X-Pagination-Total-Pages string

    The total number of pages in the result set. Use this along with Pagination-Current-Page to determine if there are any remaining pages/records to be retrieved.

  • X-Pagination-Total-Count string

    The total number of records in the result set (across all pages).


  • id integer

    The ID of the Inspection Form.

  • title string

    The title or name of the Inspection Form.

  • description string

    A brief description or explanation of the Inspection Form's purpose or requirements.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time when the Inspection Form was last updated. Formatted according to ISO-8601 in UTC.

  • archived_at date-time

    The date and time when the Inspection Form was archived, if applicable.

  • require_live_photo boolean

    Indicates whether live photos are required as part of the inspection.

  • version integer

    The version number of the Inspection Form.

  • current_form_version_id integer

    The ID of the current version of the Inspection Form.

  • workflow_assign_user_to_vehicle_enabled boolean

    Indicates whether the workflow allows assigning Users to Vehicles for inspections.

  • inspection_items object[]
  • id integer

    The ID of the Inspection Item.

  • inspection_form_version_id integer

    The ID of the Inspection Form version to which this item belongs.

  • account_id integer

    The Fleetio Account ID associated with this Inspection Item.

  • type string

    Possible values: [InspectionDateItem, InspectionDatetimeItem, InspectionDropdownItem, InspectionFreeTextItem, InspectionMeterEntryItem, InspectionNumericItem, InspectionPassFailItem, InspectionPhotoItem, InspectionSectionItem, InspectionSignatureItem, InspectionSingleCheckboxItem]

    The type or category of the Inspection Item.

  • label string

    The label or name of the Inspection Item.

  • short_description string

    A brief description of the Inspection Item.

  • instructions string

    Instructions or guidance for completing the Inspection Item.

  • required boolean

    Indicates whether this Inspection Item is required to be completed.

  • position integer

    The position or order of the Inspection Item within the form.

  • require_remark_for_fail boolean

    Indicates whether a remark is required for a "Fail" result.

  • pass_label string

    The label for a "Pass" result.

  • fail_label string

    The label for a "Fail" result.

  • reuse_pass_fail_label boolean

    Indicates whether to reuse pass/fail labels for this item.

  • require_secondary_meter_if_one_exists boolean

    Indicates whether a Secondary Meter Entry is required, if a secondary meter is in use.

  • created_at date-time

    The date and time when the Inspection Item was created.

  • updated_at date-time

    The date and time when the Inspection Item was last updated.

  • version_key string

    The version key associated with the Inspection Item.

  • na_label string

    The label for "Not Applicable" option.

  • enable_na_option_for_submission boolean

    Indicates whether the "Not Applicable" option is enabled for submission.

  • require_remark_for_pass boolean

    Indicates whether a remark is required for a "Pass" result.

  • dropdown_options string[]

    An array of options for an InspectionDropdownItem.

  • numeric_range_min number

    The minimum value allowed for an InspectionNumericItem.

  • numeric_range_max number

    The maximum value allowed for an InspectionNumericItem.

  • require_meter_entry_photo_verification boolean

    Indicates whether a photo of the meter is required for verification.
