List Archived Parts
List archived Parts
- 200
- 401
- 500
Response Headers
X-PaginationLimit string
The per page limit. Currently set to 100 but subject to change at any time.
X-Pagination-Current-Page string
The current page. Defaults to 1.
X-Pagination-Total-Pages string
The total number of pages in the result set. Use this along with Pagination-Current-Page to determine if there are any remaining pages/records to be retrieved.
X-Pagination-Total-Count string
The total number of records in the result set (across all pages).
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id integer
Possible values:
>= 1
- created_at date-time
The date and time at which this record was created.
- updated_at date-time
The date and time at which this record was most recently updated.
- description string
A description of this Part.
- manufacturer_part_number string
The part number from this Part's manufacturer.
- measurement_unit_id NullableId
Possible values:
>= 1
- number string
The part number being used for this Part within Fleetio.
- part_category_id NullableId
Possible values:
>= 1
- part_manufacturer_id NullableId
Possible values:
>= 1
- upc string
The Universal Product Code for this Part.
- total_quantity float
The total quantity on hand for this Part.
- custom_fields object
*Full details on working with Custom Fields here.
- inventory_item boolean
Indicates whether or not this Part is an inventory item.
part_category object
id integerPossible values:
>= 1
tire_category booleanIndicates whether part is a tire or not
- part_category_name string
The name of the part category associated with this Part.
- part_manufacturer_name string
The name of the Part's manufacturer.
- measurement_unit_name string
The measurement unit used by this Part.
- unit_cost float
The unit cost for this Part.
- average_unit_cost float
The average unit cost for this Part. FIFO/LIFO accounts only.
part_locations object[]
id integerPossible values:
>= 1
created_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was created.
updated_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was most recently updated.
active booleanWhether this Part Location is active.
aisle stringThe aisle in which the Part is located.
available_quantity floatHow many of this Part are available at this Part Location.
bin stringThe bin in which the Part is located.
inventory_sets_count integerThe number of Inventory Sets that this Part is included in. FIFO/LIFO accounts only.
has_been_used_in_work_orders booleanWhether this Part has been used in any Work Orders. FIFO/LIFO accounts only.
name stringAlias of
.part_location_name stringThe name of the Part Location for this Part.
part_location_id integerThe ID of the Part Location for this Part.
quantity_allocated_to_work_orders floatHow many of these Parts are currently allocated to
Work Orders
.quantity_on_order floatHow many of this Part are currently on order, if any.
reorder_point floatThe lower-threshold quantity at which this Part should be reordered.
reorder_point_enabled booleanWhether this Part will be reordered at the reorder point.
row stringThe row in which the Part is located.
track_inventory booleanIndicates whether inventory is tracked for this Part at this location.
available_quantity_updated_at date-timepart_location_archived_at date-timeThe date and time at which the
Part Location
was archived, if applicable.- default_image_url string
- default_image_url_medium string
- default_image_url_small string
- default_image_url_large string
- archived_at date-time
The date and time at which this Part was archived.
attachment_permissions object
read_photos booleanIndicates whether the user has read permission for photos.
manage_photos booleanIndicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) photos.
read_documents booleanIndicates whether the user has read permission for documents.
manage_documents booleanIndicates whether the user has permission to manage (eg. upload, delete) documents.
- has_active_inventory_sets boolean
Indicates whether this Part has any active Inventory Sets. FIFO/LIFO accounts only.
tire_config object
aspect_ratio floatAspect ratio of tire.
rim_diameter floatRim diameter of tire.
load_index floatLoad index of tire.
metric_type stringPossible values: [
]Metric type of tire.
width floatWidth of tire.
construction stringPossible values: [
]Construction type of tire.
speed_rating stringPossible values: [
]Speed rating of tire.
factory_tread_depth floatfactory_tread_depth support is currently in private beta.
Tread depth of tire in /32" when new, as specified by the manufacturer.
minimum_tread_depth floatminimum_tread_depth support is currently in private beta.
The legal minimum tread depth, in /32".
life_expectancy integerlife_expectancy support is currently in private beta.
The Life Expectancy or “Warranty” of a tire is the expected meter range, usually measured in miles, of a given tire as specified by the manufacturer.
comments object[]
A list of the comments made on this record.
id integerPossible values:
>= 1
created_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was created.
updated_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was most recently updated.
commentable_type CommentableTypePossible values: [
]The type of record that the Comment will be left on. Must be associated with a matching
.commentable_id integerPossible values:
>= 1
user_id integerPossible values:
>= 1
title string deprecatedThe title of the Comment.
comment stringThe content of the Comment message body.
user_full_name stringThe full name of the
who created the Comment.user_image_url stringThe image url for the
who created the Comment.rich_content objecthtml_content stringThe comment message body rendered as HTML.
with_mentions booleanIndicates if the message body contains @mentions.
- comments_count integer
The number of comments made on this record.
documents object[]
A list of the documents attached to this record.
id integerPossible values:
>= 1
created_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was created.
updated_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was most recently updated.
name stringThe name of the document.
description stringThe description of the document.
documentable_id integerPossible values:
>= 1
documentable_type DocumentableTypePossible values: [
]file_name stringThe name of the file.
file_mime_type stringThe MIME type of the file.
file_size numberThe size of the file in bytes.
file_url stringThe URL to access the file.
full_file_url stringThe full URL to access the file, including any necessary authentication or parameters.
- documents_count integer
The number of documents attached to this record.
images object[]
A list of the images attached to this record.
id integerPossible values:
>= 1
created_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was created.
updated_at date-timeThe date and time at which this record was most recently updated.
imageable_id integerPossible values:
>= 1
imageable_type ImageableTypePossible values: [
]file_name stringThe name of the image file.
file_mime_type Image MIME TypePossible values: [
]file_size numberThe size of the image file in bytes.
file_url stringThe URL to access the image file.
full_url stringThe full URL to access the image file, including any necessary authentication or parameters.
- images_count integer
The number of images attached to this record.
"id": 0,
"created_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"description": "string",
"manufacturer_part_number": "string",
"measurement_unit_id": 0,
"number": "string",
"part_category_id": 0,
"part_manufacturer_id": 0,
"upc": "string",
"total_quantity": 0,
"custom_fields": {},
"inventory_item": true,
"part_category": {
"id": 0,
"tire_category": true
"part_category_name": "string",
"part_manufacturer_name": "string",
"measurement_unit_name": "string",
"unit_cost": 0,
"average_unit_cost": 0,
"part_locations": [
"id": 0,
"created_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"active": true,
"aisle": "string",
"available_quantity": 0,
"bin": "string",
"inventory_sets_count": 0,
"has_been_used_in_work_orders": true,
"name": "string",
"part_location_name": "string",
"part_location_id": 0,
"quantity_allocated_to_work_orders": 0,
"quantity_on_order": 0,
"reorder_point": 0,
"reorder_point_enabled": true,
"row": "string",
"track_inventory": true,
"available_quantity_updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"part_location_archived_at": "2025-03-03"
"default_image_url": "string",
"default_image_url_medium": "string",
"default_image_url_small": "string",
"default_image_url_large": "string",
"archived_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"attachment_permissions": {
"read_photos": true,
"manage_photos": true,
"read_documents": true,
"manage_documents": true
"has_active_inventory_sets": true,
"tire_config": {
"aspect_ratio": 0,
"rim_diameter": 0,
"load_index": 0,
"metric_type": "EU",
"width": 0,
"construction": "B",
"speed_rating": "A1",
"factory_tread_depth": 0,
"minimum_tread_depth": 0,
"life_expectancy": 0
"comments": [
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"created_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"commentable_type": "Contact",
"commentable_id": 0,
"user_id": 0,
"comment": "string",
"user_full_name": "string",
"user_image_url": "string",
"rich_content": {},
"html_content": "string",
"with_mentions": true
"comments_count": 0,
"documents": [
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"created_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
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"full_file_url": "string"
"documents_count": 0,
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"created_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:46:27-06:00",
"imageable_id": 0,
"imageable_type": "ExpenseEntry",
"file_name": "string",
"file_mime_type": "image/jpeg",
"file_size": 0,
"file_url": "string",
"full_url": "string"
"images_count": 0
Request could not be authenticated
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- status integer
Possible values:
>= 400
and<= 599
- title string
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.
- detail string
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- instance string
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.
"status": 0,
"title": "string",
"detail": "string",
"instance": "string"
Something unexpected happened
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- status integer
Possible values:
>= 400
and<= 599
- title string
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.
- detail string
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- instance string
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.
"status": 0,
"title": "string",
"detail": "string",
"instance": "string"