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Filtering and Sorting Usage Examples


The new filtering and sorting methods only exist in API versions starting with 2024-01-01. They can be identified by the response, which returns an object with pagination data, applied filters and sorts, and the array of records in the records attribute.

New index endpoints which accept the filter and sort query parameters

You may use the documented filter & operator combinations, and the documented sorts.

Get all Vehicles with a license plate containing "yz":[license_plate][like]=yz

Get all contacts with the email matching "":[email][eq]

Get all work orders assigned to the contact with the id 123:[contact_id][eq]=123

Older endpoints that do not accept filter and sort query parameters

You can apply filters to any of our original index endpoints.

Get all Fuel Entries since January 1, 2016:[created_at_gteq]=2016-01-01

Get all Submitted Inspection Forms from January 1, 2016:[submitted_at_gteq]=2016-01-01&q[submitted_at_lt]=2016-01-02

Get all Meter Entries where the void flag is set to true:[void_true]=1

Get all Work Orders with status names containing the word 'priority':[work_order_status_name_cont]=priority

Get all blue Vehicles with a fuel type of Diesel, sorted by year descending:[color_eq]=blue&q[fuel_type_name_matches]=diesel&q[s]=year+desc

Want to know if the number of Freds you have working in your company is too high?[first_name_eq]=Fred

The possibilities are endless!*

*Possibilities actually finite