Archive Vehicle
Archive a Vehicle
Archive a Vehicle
Archive a Vehicle
Archive a Vehicle
Archive a Vehicle
Create a new Vehicle. If you need to create many Vehicles at once, use the
Creates a new vehicle. If you need to create many vehicles at once, use the
Creates a new vehicle. If you need to create many vehicles at once, use the
Creates a new vehicle. If you need to create many vehicles at once, use the
Delete a Vehicle
Delete a Vehicle
Delete a Vehicle
Delete a Vehicle
List archived Vehicles
Returns a list of archived vehicles.
Returns a list of archived vehicles.
Returns a list of archived vehicles.
Returns a list of Issues associated with a Vehicle.
List the Vehicle's Linked Vehicles
List the Vehicle's Linked Vehicles
List the Vehicle's Linked Vehicles
List the Vehicle's Linked Vehicles
List the Vehicle's assignments
List the Vehicle's assignments
List the Vehicle's assignments
List the Vehicle's assignments
List a Vehicle's Fuel Entries
List a Vehicle's Fuel Entries
List a Vehicle's Fuel Entries
List a Vehicle's Fuel Entries
List a Vehicle's Meter Entries
List a Vehicle's Meter Entries
List a Vehicle's Meter Entries
List a Vehicle's Meter Entries
List a Vehicle's Service Entries.
List a Vehicle's Service Entries.
List a Vehicle's Service Entries.
List a Vehicle's Service Entries.
Returns a list of your vehicles. Defaults to only returning non-archived
Returns a list of vehicles excluding archived.
Returns a list of vehicles excluding archived.
Returns a list of vehicles excluding archived.
Restore a Vehicle
Restore a Vehicle
Restore a Vehicle
Restore a Vehicle
Retrieve the vehicle's current assignment.
Retrieve the vehicle's current assignment.
Retrieve the vehicle's current assignment.
Retrieve the vehicle's current assignment.
Retrieve the details of an existing Vehicle.
Retrieve the details of an existing Vehicle.
Retrieve the details of an existing Vehicle.
Retrieve the details of an existing Vehicle.
Retrieve the details of a Vehicle's Purchase Detail.
Retrieve the details of a Vehicle's Purchase Detail.
Retrieve the details of a Vehicle's Purchase Detail.
Retrieve the details of a Vehicle's Purchase Detail.
Update a Vehicle. If you need to update many Vehicles at once, use the
Update a Vehicle. If you need to update many Vehicles at once, use the
Update a Vehicle. If you need to update many Vehicles at once, use the
Update a Vehicle. If you need to update many Vehicles at once, use the
It is possible to use an External ID in place of the Fleetio Vehicle ID in the URL path for Vehicle specific endpoints.